Today we started Holy Week by celebrating Palm Sunday, and next Sunday is Easter! Welcome to join us for a “sunrise” service on the church front steps at 9:30 am, followed by a special Easter Breakfast starting at 10 am, and worship service at 11 am.
Category Archives: Sermons
4/3 Message “Nothing’s New Until God Does it each Day!”
Nothing’s New Until God Does it each Day!
I was thinking this last week about these days leading up to our Passover which is Easter, and as the days are getting longer, so it seems are my thoughts drawn more and more to the splendors of just living. Now, I know for many that just seems like Pollyanna, and rose-colored glasses talk. So, today I wanted to share with you my family (who I can confide in “most of the time”), why I’m led to talk this way, and how I am led to believe in the majesty that is in this life. Especially when in and with our Lord.
Continue reading3/27 Message “Crazy Not Disturbed, Acquired Not Sold!”
Father of Heaven and all the Universe beyond, today we humbly come to you to thank you for your many blessings, and ask you to forgive us our manifold sin, as we learn to forgive others and ask for their forgiveness. Father, we ask you to grow us in you to be more like your Son, our Savior. In His name, Amen!
Continue reading3/13 Message “Blessed are You, To Live in the Lord!:
Father of Heaven, and universe beyond. Lord today we humble come to you to ask that you forgive our missing the mark of following your ways, as we learn to forgive others. Please teach us your ways and grow us closer to you in this life Father. Thank you for our very being! Amen
Continue reading3/6 Message: “Lost in a World of; TV, Hype, and Me!”
Father of Heaven, Universe, and beyond. Lord we humbly come before you flawed and missing the mark of your plans. Lord, please forgive our many sins, as we learn to forgive others in life. Thank you for all of your gifts of life! Please teach us to use them in your service. Amen!
Continue reading2/27 Message: “God’s Transfiguration, Our Transformation!”
Happy Transfiguration Sunday!. This coming week starts the special season of Lent, leading up to Easter. We’ll commemorate Ash Wednesday at 5:30 on Wednesday 3/2, before Bible Study. Food Pantry will be open on Tuesday 5:30 to 7 pm as usual. Welcome to church!
Father in Heaven, creator of all that is good and right in life, Lord today we humbly thank you for all of your good in our world, and ask your forgiveness when we have not included you in our thoughts and prayers. Please teach us to be more like you Father, and to grow stronger in your love each day. Amen!
Continue reading2/20 Message: “Scripture, An Owner’s Manual”
2/6 Message “Fishing and Sharing, All Day Long! “
Father, Thank you for all you have given us, and we pray that you will show us how to be closer to you! Please forgive us our many sins as we learn how to forgive others. Amen!
Continue reading1/30 Message “Loved Before Time”
Father of Heaven and Universe beyond, Lord we humbly come to you in thanks for all of the good your ways bring in the world. Please forgive us our many sins, as we learn to forgive people who have hurt us, and help us Father to grow in your ways. Amen!
Continue reading1/23 Message
Coming up this week: Food Pantry on Tuesday 5:30-7, Bible Study Wednesday 6 pm (studying Jeremiah), Men’s Breakfast on Saturday 8 am (meeting at Lee’s Diner on 2nd St.), and Sunday School, Worship Service, and Fellowship on Sunday. Welcome to church!
Father of Heaven and creator of all, lord today we humbly come to you and ask for your forgiveness for failing to thank you for all the blessings of this live you have provided, as we learn to forgive other people in our lives. Father, please help us to grow closer to you in our walk. In His Heavenly name, Amen!
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