9/18 Message “Children of Light & Shrewd About God”


I almost titled today’s Message; “Settling for Junk, is Being Cheap to God”, but today’s idea is so much deeper than my talking just about worldly stuff. We are talking about your eternity, as we go about thinking about our God, Lord and Savior, Sustainer by Spirit, of all that is holy and good.

Our God is more than a mouthful to say, He is the Deity that we will be spending the rest of our time trying to comprehend, understand, and serve. And we people of God, Children of Light (at times), are Shrewd enough to begin the journey. Hence today’s title: Children of Light & Shrewd About God! And in so doing, we praise, glorify, and magnify His Holy and precious Name!

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9/11 Message “Lessons of 911, 21 Years Later”


Message; Lessons of911, 21 Years Later

       Today is a most hallowed day in the American consciousness. Granted it’s not like the other secular hallowed days of our nation, such as Veteran’s Day, Memorial Day, and the Fourth of July. But it’s ingrained into our secular public discussions and based on 911 still residing in a large segment of our country’s memory.

       In my own memory, I was instructing an F-16 aircraft class on that day. That morning an aircraft had crashed into one of the towers both were still standing with one tower on fire. It hadn’t collapsed or I had not heard anything so I took my class out to the Aircraft so that I could do some hands on with my students, and keep their attention on the class and not what so many others were speculating about.

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8/28 Message “A Walk with God is Just, Kind & Meek”


Message: A Walk with God is Just, Kind & Meek

       Or is it? You see there are those who believe once they choose to invite the Lord into their lives, everything becomes enveloped with Justness, Kindness, and humble Meekness from all those that you live with or know. Egh… I’m sorry you do not win the Gin-su knives.

No, the reality is that regardless of other people’s behavior, the further down that faithwalk path we go with God, the more that being just, kind & meek are attainable in our own lives. That we actually learn to filter out the bogus stuff from others and learn to love people in spite of their challenges, like God loves us in spite of us. This doesn’t mean we don’t still struggle with our challenges, it’s just that we have discovered our world’s transformation begins within our own attitude adjustments with God’s help.

Today, I am excited to talk with you about how our lives can be transformed, and what life can be like for those who ask to walk with the Lord in and with God’s Royal Family, the Body of Christ. Opportunity is available!

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8/21 Message “Lost, Dazed & Hurt, God Invites Us In”


All of us are walking towards something in this life of ours. Some of us have spent a lot of time thinking about what and where we wanted to end up, many of us have actually landed square in the middle of where we never even dreamed life would take us, and yet here we are. And for those of you right now, who are walking a path of the unknown, heading down a road you have never travelled before, today’s Message is for you!

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8/7 Message “How We Fail God thru Form, Style & Show”


Message: How We Fail God thru Form, Style & Show 

       Today, I get to share with you like we do almost every Sunday this incredible thing we have in common with the creator of the Universe and all that stuff beyond. Everything in addition to what we know or understand into that which we are not capable of even to begin to comprehend. You and I are members of a family that transcends time and dimension, into regions of both that exceed our very understanding. And yet on faith, our family believes.

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7/31 Message “Money and Poverty or; God Hope & Freedom”


Message; Money and Poverty or; God, Hope & Freedom

       Today, I am excited to share with you the truth about our free choice in life. How God who has everything we have done, doing, and will ever do already planned out acknowledged, and ordained, yet God can still separate Himself from Himself and give us choice, and still majestically achieve His will, His plan, and His glory in the end.

It’s amazing to think about how the Lord affords our ability to make choices. Each and every day we are faced with choices that have been placed in our line of sight for a host of decision opportunities. Some choices edify, while others impoverish our very being. All the while providing lessons learned for improvement if we are open to His Spirit. And let’s face it, some days seem to be full of nothing but hard options for our decision making.

       It can be so hard to make sense of my actions or even my personal goals for the future when it’s only about me and my worldly ideas. Yes, some days can seem like we are living, or at least I am living the words of the teacher in Ecclesiastes where Solomon laments the choices made by humanity. Reading Ecclesiastes 1:1-2, 12-14

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7/24 Message “Ask, & He will Surge; Our Strength of Soul”


Today I am excited to get the opportunity to talk with you about just how available our Lord is to each and every one, us in our day to day lives. How we are able to use our freedom in God, to call upon God, and then to listen to what God is saying to each of us.

Granted it’s the listening part that gets a little convoluted and difficult for many of us. But before I even attempt to address the weak-link in our relationship in God (us), I would like to explore with you just how available the Lord is, in your life, and how free we are in Him. Beginning with the clear fact that our faith is free of legalistic form and style rules that human beings continually bough down our walk in the Lord. Reading from Galatians 5:1;

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7/10 Message “Made in God’s Image, and Act Like It?”


Message; Made in God’s Image, And Act Like it?

       Wow! The Lord just amazes me on how unswerving He is on our working on relationships with other people, even the ones we don’t know. Or in other words, to live your life as God consistently instructs us to live in all of scripture. As just reflected by our Lord in the Gospel, and throughout our Old Testament instruction we are educated for humbly exercising mercy to others, or as the prophet Micah 6:8 would say;

He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
    And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
    and to walk humbly with your God.

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