1/8 Message “What God Did Before, He Thrives in Today!”


Message: What God Did Before, He Thrives in Today!

       And you can inverse today’s title to state, What God thrived in before, He does today!Yes, and what is true in the past is true today and visa versa. Kind of like when God says in Exodus 3:14 His name is I am or; I am who I am, I am What I am, I will be what I will be, I will be who I will be

You will spend the rest of your life figuring that one and still come up short. Because our God is Alpha – Omega, all encompassing, and everyone’s God, if they will accept the invitation to join in God’s plans for our future.

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12/18 Message “The Root of All Love Slept in a Manger!”


Message: The Root of All Love Slept in a Manger!

       For today’s Message Title I thought briefly of using, “The World’s Idea of Love, is Sloppy Agape”. Since Love is such a misused term, with a history of abuse by a fallen world often consumed with chasing self-gain instead of service to God through caring for others. 

But, hey it’s Christmas time. Advent, and we should be looking at edifying the mood of the season, and not being consumed with the challenges of the times. There’s no doubt that many feel overloaded and overwhelmed by the times we are now experiencing and living through. It can certainly make it hard for one to experience the; Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love at this time of the Year.

Well, I think that is what today’s message is supposed to be all about. That is in spite of, or maybe because of our hectic world that we are living in, and all of the pain and hardship that seems to pervade our lives, God gives you and me access to Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love. That those are actually more than just gifts of the season of Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany. These are gifts from God’s Holy Spirit, that are intended to last all year long.

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12/11 Message “The Season of God is Hope, Peace & Joy”


The Season of God is; Hope, Peace, & Joy! Unless you are depressed, sick, hungry, alone, in the middle of a continuing argument with someone, addicted to something that is taking more and more if not all of your energy to feed and maintain (and we won’t begin to list all the stuff human beings can get addicted to, or we would be here until New Year’s Day), … Oy maybe, you are in an ongoing rebellion with the Lord Himself. Perhaps due to one or more of the items previously mention.

       Actually, the Good News I have for you today, is that we can find joy even when we are in the midst of the challenges just sighted, if we are in a relationship with the one who created us. With Him, we can actually in time learn to leave all of that junk, it can be left at the curb if you really want to work at letting it go with God’s help.

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12/4 Message “The Peace of Jesus, Will Overcome All!”

Father of Heaven and Universe beyond, creator of all that is good and wholesome, Lord today we humble come seeking your peace of mind, body, and soul. Father, please teach us to be more like you, in forgiveness and grace. For when we are, this world will know what peace really is! In your some Jesus Christ’s holy and precious name, Amen!

Message: The Peace of Jesus, Will overcome All!

       Welcome all to this second Sunday of Advent, which is dedicated to the idea of the Peace of God transcending of us in mind, body, and soul in His time. But what does all of this mean? Advent, Incarnation, and the Manifestation of God? And what the heck do I mean by “Peace” in my mind, body and soul?

       How can there be any peace in a world that seems to ignore, refute, and outright deny the very concept of or hope for Peace? Our Lord himself spoke to this when speaking about His mission and purpose. Reading Matthew 10:33-35:

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11/6 Message “God, Family, Country: We Faithfully Serve!”


Father of Heaven, universe, and beyond, Lord we humbly thank you for all we are and all we have and serve you thankfully as you have given us the ability to do so. Lord please teach us to walk in your ways as we seek to serve the greater community in your name, and forgive us our shortcomings as we seek to do better in you each day. In your heavenly name, Amen!

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10/30 Message “Happiness is a Serious Proposition!”

       Before I go any farther, I must admit that I stole the title for today’s message from a book that was written some time ago that I haven’t even read yet called; “Happiness is a Serious Problem”. In fact, I don’t have to read the book to agree with the premise, but fully intend to purchase and read this work by Denise Prager as a homework assignment.

And now, I have actually worked with you my church family, a way to justify buying books to my much better half, by simply mentioning them here on a Sunday morning. Is this a great country of what? And when I do, get that book, I’ll be happy. But the kind of happiness that I want to talk with you about this morning is the kind that is of a much more lasting, sincere, and edifying nature.

Today, I would like to talk with you about How God instructs us to be happy, and the genuine happiness we receive, as we mature in our walk with the Lord and grow from:

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10/23 Message: “Being Loved Aint Like Being Saved!”


I am reading the book Deuteronomy right now as part of my Bible reading regimen, and to enrich my understanding, I am looking at a fresh perspective by reading Denise Prager’s new commentary of Deuteronomy in His Rational Bible series of Torah commentaries. Prager is a Rabi, a national radio commentator, and deep thinker of our society to include the human condition. My thought, is a good Rabi, can help a Christian be a better Sunday School teacher.

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10/16 Message “Affliction in Faith? Keep Pushin On!”


Before I begin, I have to admit that the wording Keep Pushin on, comes from a song going back to 1977? From the Rock group REO Speedwagon, and their album; You can tune a piano, but you can’t tune a fish. True words to live by. Primarily because in the past that tune helped me when I have been in the midst of challenge and its cadence helped my way. Today, let me suggest God’s Word as a much more effective tool.

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10/9 Message “Rise and Live, Our Faith Makes it So!”


Indeed, their faith did make them well from a God who loves us in spite of us. The Samaritan’s gratitude, makes us want to be like that outsider, who God also loves and cares for through his faith. And that is what we are going to explore together this morning you and I. Today, I am excited to say that we are continuing our look at faith, and how it applies to our relationship with God in our lives. How our faith in who the Lord is, and what God can do, helps us to control who we are, and how we act towards God, and other people.

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10/2 Message “Faith as a Seed, and Life Supernal”


Father in Heaven, Lord we humbly come before you today to thank you for all that you provide in our daily lives. You give us all that is good and wholesome for our edification and growth, and Father we ask for your forgiveness of our many lapses, as we ask you to teach us how to forgive and move on from the past in others. Please grow us to be more like you Lord. In your Heavenly Name, Amen!

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