Author Archives: fbcogden1
7/10 Message “Made in God’s Image, and Act Like It?”
Message; Made in God’s Image, And Act Like it?
Wow! The Lord just amazes me on how unswerving He is on our working on relationships with other people, even the ones we don’t know. Or in other words, to live your life as God consistently instructs us to live in all of scripture. As just reflected by our Lord in the Gospel, and throughout our Old Testament instruction we are educated for humbly exercising mercy to others, or as the prophet Micah 6:8 would say;
8 He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God.
7/3 “It’s All Good in God’s Plan”
6/26 “No More a Prisoner, Free of Bondage & Sin”
Today I am excited to get the honor of speaking with you on God’s gift of freedom for anyone who wants it. Yes, today I would like to share with you my thoughts on the development of our freedoms in the Lord. It seems that freedom in our God comes to us from the Old Testament, and develops further on into the New Testament. Our freedoms along with our individual relationships in the Lord, appear to me to go hand in hand.
Continue reading6/19 Message “Dad, We Blew It-Help. I Still Need You!”
Message; Dad, We Blew It-Help. I Still Need You!
I was going to title today message; Dad I Wrecked the Car Again! To signify the first three weeks after getting my driver’s license, and coming home for the second time with news of another collision. The news went over as you might expect, and I stop listening to my co-pilot, my sister for help directing, positioning, or driving… for good. She had and has many great gifts, but navigation, direction, and shepherding are not in the running.
This Father’s Day morning, I wanted to make the best connection that I could about fatherhood, and its relationship to our Father of Heaven and the Universe beyond could and should be held in comparison. When thinking about all of the great thing’s fathers bring to the table of family life, I was filled with all kinds of warm thoughts. The more I thought about the perfect attributes of fathers, my imagination carried me into nonreality and the perfection of character.
Continue reading6/12 Message “Real Wisdom Follows God’s Holy Spirit!”
Message: Real Wisdom Follows God’s Holy Spirit!
I am excited to talk with you today about something that I am totally unqualified to talk with you about. Wisdom; how to appreciate it, get it, how to harness it, and apply being wise in a wholesome and Godly way in our day to day lives. Those are my goals today, and let me identify to you as a novice from the get-go. In other words, I’m working on it!
Continue reading6/5 Message “From Law in Life to Life in the Spirit!”
5/29 Message “We Pray for Others, Cuz He Prayed for Us!”
5/11 Message “Jesus Asked, Do You Want to Get Well?”
It’s a busy week at First Baptist.
- Monday: Board Meeting at 4 pm
- On Tuesday evening, we’re pulling out the BBQ for our first “Prayze Dogs” of the season, grilling burgers on the West lawn. All welcome! Food Pantry will continue to be open every Tuesday 5:30-7, while Prayze Dogs will be every other Tuesday through the summer.
- Wednesday: Bible Study at 6 pm (still on Jeremiah)
- Thursday: Book Club at 6 pm (reading Is Atheism Dead)
- Friday: Game Nite at 6 pm (playing a variety of board and card games, with snacks)
- Saturday: Men’s workday starting at 8 am (working on outdoor cleanup)
- Sunday: As usual, Sunday School at 10 am, and Worship Service at 11 am followed by snacks in the Fellowship Hall. Looking forward to seeing you soon!