Mark your calendars for women’s meeting this coming Saturday at 11 am (just a time for women to spend time together, with a little craft and lesson) and Book Club starting up for everyone next week Thursday! The first book is The Women of the Bible Speak by Shannon Bream. And as usual Food Pantry on Tuesday evening and Bible Study on Wednesday evening. All welcome!
Author Archives: fbcogden1
5/2 “Looking for Truth, and Found Him”
Today we were honored to witness five baptisms. What a wonderful day it is to be part of the family of God! Congrats to Curtis, Brian, Jeanette, Thomas, and Justin. Something’s happening at church almost every day this coming week: choir practice on Monday at 4, Food Pantry (with Prayze Dogs) Tuesday starting at 5, Bible Study on Wednesday at 6 (still studying Exodus), and Board Meeting Thursday at 6. And then welcome back to church next Sunday with Sunday School at 9:45 and Worship Service at 11. We’ll be celebrating Mother’s Day by announcing how much we raised for our mission project with donations to Heifer International.
4/25 “Lunch and Learn, with God”
We’re back to a full schedule with Sunday School (9:45) and Worship service (11 am) followed by Fellowship (snacks provided, no potluck) on Sundays, Food Pantry 5-7 on Tuesdays (hot dogs every other week), and Bible Study on Wednesdays 6-7:30 (studying Exodus). We’re also looking to get some book clubs going; talk to Pastor Steve if you’re interested. And collect your pennies (or big bills!) because for the next two weeks we’re collecting a mission offering. All proceeds will go to the Heifer Project to help fund economic development around the world. Just drop your offering in the little church-shaped box in the back of the sanctuary, and on Mother’s Day we’ll announce what we raised. See below for this week’s sermon, recorded live.
4/18 “When Eating is More Than a Meal”
We’re back to a full schedule with Sunday School (9:45) and Worship service (11 am) followed by Fellowship on Sundays, Food Pantry 5-7 on Tuesdays (firing up the grill for Prayze Dogs this week!), and Bible Study on Wednesdays 6-7:30 (studying Exodus). We’re also looking to get some book clubs going; talk to Pastor Steve if you’re interested. And collect your pennies (or big bills!) because for the next three weeks we’re collecting a mission offering. All proceeds will go to the Heifer Project to help fund economic development around the world. Just drop your offering in the little church-shaped box in the back of the sanctuary, and on Mother’s Day we’ll announce what we raised. See below for this week’s sermon, recorded live (and including a special word from George at the end).
4/11 “I Think I Believe, Now What?”
We’re getting closer to our regular schedule now, with Sunday School followed by Worship Service and then Fellowship (snacks but not potluck) on Sundays, Food Pantry on Tuesdays at 5, and Bible Study on Wednesdays at 6. On April 20, we’ll bring the BBQ out and start “Prayze Dogs” to go with food pantry, every other week. We’re also looking at getting some book clubs started. Let Pastor Steve know if you are interested!
4/4 Happy Easter!
We have more in-person events starting up this week: Food Pantry on Tuesday 5-7, Bible Study on Wednesday 6-7, and Sunday School followed by Worship Service and Fellowship (with food & drink provided) on Sunday. All welcome!
4 April 21 Easter Service
Continue reading3/28 Palm Sunday Message
Celebrating Holy Week with a special Palm Sunday service today at 11 am, and special Easter events next week (9 am “Sunrise service” on the church front steps, followed by an Easter breakfast, followed by 11 am worship service).
28 March 2021 Sunday Message: “A Palm Parade & a Trail of Tears”
Explanation of the Day: Today, marks our adherence of high day of Palm Sunday, which leads the church into an observance of Passion Week. Our Passover, from eternal death. The time before the Crucifixion and especially Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. In many Churches today, there will be a procession of people carrying palm branches to represent the triumphal entry of the King Jesus the Christ into Jerusalem, and more importantly into our hearts.
Call to Worship #1: Psalm 118:19-26
19 Open for me the gates of the righteous;
I will enter and give thanks to the Lord.
20 This is the gate of the Lord
through which the righteous may enter.
21 I will give you thanks, for you answered me;
you have become my salvation.
22 The stone the builders rejected
has become the cornerstone;
23 the Lord has done this,
and it is marvelous in our eyes.
24 The Lord has done it this very day;
let us rejoice today and be glad.
25 Lord, save us!
Lord, grant us success!
26 Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.
From the house of the Lord we bless you.
Invitation, Praises, and Prayer Concerns: Father in Heaven, as we this week of your love for the creation, it reminds us of the Passion of Jesus for that same creation, us! Thank you, Lord, with all of our being, and may we bring some of that care for the less fortunate among us in our daily walk. Amen!
Looking forward to Holy Week
Next week is Palm Sunday, followed by Holy Week and Easter. We’ll celebrate with worship services at 11 am on Sunday. For Easter, we’ll also have a special service on the church front steps at 9 am, followed by an Easter Breakfast in the gym. All welcome! Food pantry opens Tuesdays 5-7 pm as usual. And we’re looking forward to restarting Wednesday evening Bible Study after Easter.
Continue reading3/14 Message “Road Trip Children, Redeemed”
Welcome to join us for a worship service on Sunday at 11 am, or on Youtube at the link below. A few special events at church to keep in mind: Board Meeting (Thurs 3/18 6 pm), Women’s Meeting (Sat. 3/20 11 am), Men’s Breakfast (Sat 3/27 8 am), and Palm Sunday service (Sun 3/28 11 am). We’ll celebrate Easter Sunday on April 4 with Sunrise Service at 9 am followed by an Easter Breakfast and worship service at 11 am. We’re hoping to resume Wednesday night Bible Study and Sunday School at church in April. And Food Pantry continues to be open each Tuesday 5-7 pm.
3/7 Message “Stuff I know & Things I don’t”
Welcome to church this week on Sunday for a worship service at 11 am, and on Tuesday 5-7 pm to open the food pantry.