It’s the second Sunday of Advent. Light a candle for peace! With “peace” not just meaning absence of conflict, but everything that makes for our highest good, as guest speaker Dave Riggs reminded us in today’s sermon.
For announcements, upcoming special events include Women’s Christmas Gathering on Saturday December 18 at 11 am (bring a wrapped white elephant gift), Church Christmas Dinner on Sunday December 19 after the service, and a Christmas Eve Service on Friday December 24 at 6 pm. Meanwhile, the Food Pantry is still open with a hot meal on Tuesday evenings, and Bible Study on Wednesdays starting at 6 pm. Welcome to church!
It’s the first Sunday of Advent! Light a candle for hope.
Special activities coming up:
Saturday December 18, 11 am: Women’s Gathering at church. Connie hosting, and lunch served. Bring a wrapped “white elephant” gift to exchange.
Sunday December 19, Church Christmas Dinner after the service. (Please sign up so that we can plan enough food and special tables.)
Friday December 24, 6 pm Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at church. Friends and family invited as usual!
Meanwhile we’re continuing with Sunday School and worship service on Sunday Mornings, Food Pantry and “Soup Sisters” hot meals on Tuesday evenings, and Bible Study on Wednesday evenings.
Father in Heaven, Lord today we humbly thank you for our very being and ask for your forgiveness when we have missed the mark in following your examples of the good life. Father, as we begin to journey down the path of Advent this season, we ask that you would help in our quest to grow in you. In your Son’s Heavenly Precious name, Amen!
Advent Begins: A Sunday of Hope
Today, I am excited to talk with you about the beginning of a most Holy season for us in the Christian Church. Advent, which is the time that leads us to the big Event; the celebration of the Birth of Christ. Christmas; the Mass or reverent observance of our Christ, our Savoir, our Lord. But what does all of this mean? Are we talking Christmas Trees, sparkle, gifts, and glitter?
Happy Thanksgiving! This week we’re having a special Thanskgiving service on Wednesday starting at 4 pm, followed by a pie social. So, no Wednesday Bible Study this week. Otherwise, the schedule continues as usual. Welcome to church!
Celebrating veterans this week, and applying some lessons from their diligence and service to our faith walk. Coming up… Thanksgiving! Mark your calendars for Pie Social on Wednesday November 24 at 4 pm. Meanwhile, the regular schedule continues with Food Pantry on Tuesdays 5-7 (with a hot meal to-go thanks to our Soup Sisters), Bible Study on Wednesdays 6-8 (working on Jeremiah), and Sunday School, Worship Service, and Fellowship time on Sundays. Look forward to seeing you soon.
Father of all that is good and holy, creator of our very being, thank you! Thank you, Lord, for all that you are doing for the good in this world and what a world it would be if we all followed your plans for redemption and grace. Please forgive us our missing the mark as we forgive others in our own lives, and help us to grow in you and your ways Father, in your Son’s heavenly and precious name, Jesus our Savoir. Amen!
Father in Heaven and Universe beyond, Lord today we humbly come to you in deep thanks for our very being and pray that you would forgive us of all of our sins and even more for the stuff we haven’t done. Like sharing our lives openly with and in you. Lord pleas strengthen our walk in you. Amen!
Message:When WeFollow Him & Like What We Do!
I started out with a title for today with; “doing what we like, and liking what we do”. But in the culture that we now find ourselves in, doing what you like, can mean a whole lot of stuff for a whole lot of people. Let’s face it, today we have become accustomed to just saying; “you do you”, and call it good in the moral relevance of today.
“This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!” Coming up this week:
Tuesday 11/2, 5:30-7 pm: Food Pantry is open. And we’re starting “Soup Sisters” every other week, meaning a hot fresh-cooked meal to go available as well. Everyone welcome!
Wednesday 11/3 6 pm: Adult Bible Study continues, studying Jeremiah
Thursday 11/4 6 pm: GRATITUDE GATHERING Interfaith Holiday Celebration with Riverdale 6th Ward at Riverdale LDS Stake Center Parking Lot & Bowery (4000 N Parker Drive, Riverdale). Hot dogs, S’Mores and Pies provided. Come join us for Fellowship and Celebration (Outdoor Event, please dress accordingly).
Looking forward to seeing you soon! Today David Fowler preached a powerful message about grace.
Welcome to church! Regular activities continue at First Baptist, as we move into the Fall.
Tuesday nights 5:30-7: Food Pantry open. Now that it’s too cold outside to grill hot dogs, we are moving on to “Soup Sisters” — a hot meal to go available with the food bags.
Wednesday nights at 6: Bible Study, studying the book of Jeremiah. Dave Riggs is filling in while Pastor is on vacation.
Sunday mornings at 9:45: Adult Sunday school, studying the book of Matthew. Donna is filling in as teacher.
Sunday mornings at 11: worship service, followed by fellowship time snacks.
And mark your calendars for these special events coming up:
This Saturday 10/30 9-12: Church workday and cleanup. Lunch will be served!
November 24, 4 pm: Thanksgiving Pie social!
December 19: Christmas Dinner after the service (please sign up so we have enough food and decorated tables for this special event.
Suzanne Wall gave the message today, from the book of Job.
Message for 10/24/2021: Asking Why
The Bible passage for today comes from the book of Job, in the Old Testament.
Job tells the story of a man who experienced tragedy, and asked why. The book is mainly speeches, with Job lamenting and asking questions, and his friends trying to explain things. And then God joins the conversation, not giving answers but asking even more questions that help Job put things in perspective.
Father in Heaven, today we humbly come to you in thanks for all you have provided our little Church. Please forgive us for forgetting you and our relationship in you! We ask Lord that you would continue to grow us in your image. Amen!
17 October 2021 Sunday Message;Life is More Than: A Night of Yahtzee!
Lots going on at First Baptist as the season changes.
Food Pantry continues every Tuesday evening, with this year’s last “Prayze Dogs” hot dog grilling outside (weather permitting) on October 19.
Wednesday night Bible Study is finishing up Titus, and about to move on to Jeremiah.
Board Meeting on Thursday 10/14 at 4:30 pm
On Saturday 10/16, women meet at church at 10 am to fill Shoe Boxes for Operation Christmas Child. A special lunch will be served.
Adult Sunday School continues Sundays 9:45 am studying Matthew, while Kid’s Sunday School is on hold until further notice due to Covid transmission rates.
Welcome to church! As Pastor Steve finally gets a short vacation, we heard a special message today from Bible translator Dave Riggs.
Message for Sunday 10/10: “Greatest Chapter in the Bible – Romans 8”
Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Rm 8.1
Father in Heaven, today we humbly thank you for our very being, and ask you to forgive us when we have forgotten to be grateful unto you. Lord, we ask you today to equip us for the challenges ahead, and to sustain us in our growth in you. In your Heavenly name, Amen!